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Hilton Head Bike Rentals provides the best bikes on Hilton Head with free delivery to anywhere on the Island. We have tandem bikes, kids bikes, adult bikes with kids seats, beach bikes, kittie carts, tag alongs and even 3 wheeler bikes. We have all the options and the bikes are in great shape.
Hilton Head Island offers 117 miles of bike paths to enjoy. With over 2.5 Million people coming to Hilton Head, biking on the Island has become a favorite past time for many. More people ride bikes now than play golf or tennis on the Island. Whether you desire a challenging 30 mile ride around the Island or a casual bike ride with the family; Hilton Head Island is very bike friendly. Weather on Hilton Head is wonderful all year, so minus the rainy days, you can enjoy the bike paths all year long.
Want something really special? Rent a beach bike and ride along with beach with the salt air blowing thru your hair at sunset or sunrise. See the dolphins swim and the pelicans fly while riding on the beach on Hilton Head. With over 17 miles of white sandy beaches, they are hard packed by mother nature and make it easy to ride on the sand.
Many of the plantations have miles of bike paths inside the gates on the main roads. There are gated communities where you can only ride on the bike paths if you are visiting or staying the those plantations. Sea Pines, Palmetto Dunes, Shipyard and the Forest Beach areas provide the large percentage of accommodations for hotels and short term vacation rentals. They all have miles of bike paths for the guests to enjoy.
Renting bikes can be a great way to get some quality family time and see parts of Hilton Head Island you would not see from a car. You can ride beside horse stables, marsh land, into Forest Preserves and near golf courses, going where cars are not allowed. Take a picnic and find a shady spot to relax with a snack and a cool drink after biking for miles. Getting your exercise is great for the body and mind too.
Hilton Head offers many activities, but renting a bike is wonderful for your family and your health. Come to Hilton Head and make sure to put some miles on a bike before you leave.
Call today or book online and we will deliver right to your door anywhere on the Island.